The Little Free Library Initiative

Giving back to our community by implementing the Little Free Library initiative was imperative to us for several reasons. Access to books and literacy skills is often a reflection of socio-economic status, and providing free access to books can help level the playing field for young people in underprivileged communities. Granting access to a wide range of reading materials empowers Guyanese youth with the tools and knowledge to succeed academically and pursue their dreams.

Fostering a love for reading and promoting literacy in underprivileged communities has a transformative impact beyond academics. Reading opens up new worlds, broadens horizons, and allows children to explore different perspectives and cultures. It promotes empathy, critical thinking, and creativity. By instilling a passion for reading, young people are equipped with valuable skills that enable them to make informed decisions, communicate effectively, and contribute meaningfully to society. Literacy empowers young Guyanese to break free from the cycle of poverty, opening doors to better opportunities and a brighter future for themselves and their communities.